Syria participates on OAPEC Council of Ministers meeting

 Syria participates in the 107 meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) via video technology

Ministers of Energy and Petroleum of the OAPEC member-states, among them Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Bassam Tomeh, are scheduled to discuss the organization’s budget estimate project for the year 2022, the General secretariat’s activities to develop and activate the OAPEC activities and the cooperation among the Arab companies that emerged from it

The participants will also discuss the implemented technical and economic studies, which specialized in oil , gas and energy industry , following up the environment issues, and the negotiations related to the UN Framework Convention on climate Change, in addition to the 12th Arab Energy Conference

OAPEC was established in 1968 due to an agreement signed in Beirut among 3 countries, and headquartered in the State of Kuwait. with the emergence of the petroleum industry as a main joint economic factor among most Arab countries, the organization has expanded to include in its membership the countries that petroleum is an important source of its national income.  Syria joined  the organization in 1973 to raise its members to 11

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