Iraqi delegation visits Syrian pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai

 An Iraqi delegation, headed by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Water Resources, Raed Abdul Zaid al-Jashami, visited the Syrian pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, expressing admiration for the Syrian product and its presence in the Iraqi market

“We have many common files with Syria, and for this we are keen to maintain communication with the aim of strengthening relations in various fields.” al-Jashami said during the reception of the delegation by the Commissioner-General of the Syrian Pavilion, Ambassador Dr. Ghassan Abbas

The delegation toured the various sections of the pavilion, including the commercial partners section, which hosts a group of Syrian companies, and was briefed on the economic and commercial opportunities offered by these companies and the opportunities for cooperation between the two countries

In turn, Ambassador Abbas said that the exhibition is a distinguished opportunity to introduce the world to Syrian civilization and culture and to the economic opportunities offered by Syria in many sectors, including food industries, tourism, technical production, health, infrastructure and others

This visit comes within the framework of wide international interest in the Syrian participation in Expo 2020 Dubai, as the pavilion witnessed the visit of a number of delegations from different countries since the launch of the exhibition’s activities at the beginning of last October.

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