Shaaban: Russian operation in Donbas necessary to preserve Russia’s national security

 Special Adviser at the Republic Presidency, Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, has affirmed that the Russian special operation in Donbas is a necessary step to preserve Russia’s national security and interests, and it heralds the rise of two main poles in the international decision, namely Russia and China, and the consolidation of the new world order

Shaaban’s remarks came in an interview with the Syrian al-Ekhbariya TV channel last night

She added that the West did not leave Russia with another option in Ukraine after it evaded its pledges not to expand NATO to the east, noting that Russia’s loss would be much greater if it did not take this step and start its own military operation in Donbas

Shaaban indicated that the current crisis is related to the tensions in the Russian-Western relations that date back to decades when US President George Bush and his Secretary of State James Baker led negotiations with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev on the entry of United Germany into NATO, Russia agreed to that on the condition that NATO did not move an inch towards the east and that the number of members not exceed 12 countries, which are today 30 countries

Shaaban noted that Syria lived the same experience with the West and its hypocrisy. When Henry Kissinger visited Syria in 1974 and spoke about the necessity of starting a peace process, Syria agreed to that and agreed to UN Resolution 242 and engaged in a peace process from 1990 to 2000. At every stage, the West did not fulfil its promises

Shaaban said that the Palestinian cause also reflects the West’s lack of commitment to any resolution or promise. Resolutions issued by the United Nations did not dissuade the United States from supporting the occupation entity at the expense of the Palestinian people

She added that the West, which imposed unilateral coercive measures on the Syrian people, is doing the same with Russia, and from that came the common understanding of Syria and Russia towards international issues and Western stances on them, and from that came Russia’s honourable stance in support for Syria in its war on terrorism and its use of veto at the UN Security Council in favour of Syria and to prevent Western aggression against it

In light of the misleading campaigns by the Western media, it is necessary to stand on the facts and realize that Ukraine, which is adjacent to Russia, is a historical, strategic and vital partner, and Moscow cannot accept that Kiev is a member of NATO,” Shaaban said

Shaaban added that the West does not apply to itself what it wants to apply to others because of its arrogant view towards other peoples

She stressed that the misleading campaigns waged by Western media against Russia, which aim to intimidate and blackmail, remind of the media misleading against Syria since 2011, through the fabrication of videos and the dissemination of lies

Shaaban indicated that all the sanctions adopted by the United States against countries, including Russia and Syria, are violations of international law, and therefore Western countries’ talk of violating international law by Russia is unacceptable

Shaaban said that we in Syria are on the right side of history and within the right alliance. The Syrian-Russian relationship is solid and historical, and it is being strengthened today. We hope that what we are witnessing today will mark a global transformation for the benefit of peoples and the end of the last stage of the colonial mentality, and that humanity will realize the urgent need for a new world order that respects the sovereignty of states and relations between them

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