Cultural artistic ceremony on India National Day in Aleppo

The Indian Embassy in Syria has held cultural and artistic ceremony at the Artists Syndicate Hall in Aleppo on the occasion of India’s National Day and the75th anniversary of its independence

The ceremony included screening a short film about the Indian history and the role of Mahatma Gandhi in the independence, the development and prosperity achieved in various cultural, economic and scientific domains

Several artistic, lyrical and dance shows from the Indian folklore and popular heritage were also performed during the event

Mahender Singh Kanyal, Indian Ambassador in Damascus, underlined the importance of this celebration in the deep-rooted city of Aleppo which was the capital of Islamic culture

The Ambassador gave a brief presentation on the progress that India has witnessed since its independence, as well its prominent role in history and what it has provided at the level of humanitarian civilization and global culture in terms of science, accounting systems, math, technology and space exploration

The Ambassador shed light on the trade and cultural relations binding India and Syria, stressing the need to strengthen them through exchanging visits and delegations and providing scientific scholarships to students in a way that would contribute to pushing these relations forwards

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