President al-Assad receives Abdollahian… talks deal with relations and latest developments

President Bashar al-Assad received on Saturday Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and the accompanying delegation

During the meeting, discussions touched on the strategic relations between the two countries, and the joint efforts to bolster them by establishing executive work programs to develop and expand areas of cooperation in all fields, which serve the interest of the two friendly peoples, especially in the economic and the commercial domains

The two sides discussed field developments in Syria with President al-Assad stressing the importance of continuing the liberation of all territory from terrorism and end any illegitimate presence in the country

The talks tackled the latest regional and international developments with both sides affirming the necessity of continuing consultation and coordination in the political field, particularity as the visions and the close policies of the two countries regarding challenges in the region have proven effectiveness and correctness

Talks also dealt with the situation in Afghanistan and its impacts on countries of the region as President al-Assad considered that the withdrawal of the US should be an opportunity for the neighboring countries to crystalize a common vision in order to consolidate civil peace there and to not transform that country into a terrorist spot, and avoid any foreign interventions which attempt to exploit the conditions of withdrawal in order to impose their agendas

The Iranian Minister briefed President al-Assad on the developments of the Iranian nuclear file, and the Iranian government’s endeavors to achieve the sustainable development and cooperation with its neighboring countries to deactivate the blockade and sanctions imposed on the Iranian people

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