UN resolution affirms sovereignty of Syrians in occupied Golan and Palestinians in occupied territories over their natural resources

The United Nation General Assembly renewed on Friday its adoption of a resolution affirming the permanent sovereignty of the Syrians in the occupied Syrian Golan and the sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories over their natural resources

The Second Committee (Economic and Financial) of the General Assembly approved on Thursday the annual resolution on “Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem and the Syrians in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources” with 157 votes in favour of the resolution, Israeli occupation entity and six others countries against it , with 14 abstentions

The resolution reiterated the inalienable rights of the Syrians in the occupied Syrian Golan and the Palestinian people to their natural resources, including land, water ,and energy resources

It also demands that the Israeli occupation authorities to stop exploiting, destroying, or endangering natural resources in the occupied Syrian Golan and in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem

The resolution demands the occupation authorities to put an end to all actions harmful to the environment, including those carried out by Israeli settlers, such as the dumping of waste of all kinds in the occupied Syrian Golan and the occupied Palestinian territory, which constitutes a serious danger to the natural resources of the population, particularly water and land resources, and threatens the environment and the health of the civilian population and their facilities

The same resolution was adopted last year by 153 votes in favour, six against, while 16 countries abstained

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