Syrian-Russian coordination committees: return of refugees is a national priority for Syria

Syrian-Russian coordination committees said on Thursday that the return of Syrian displaced and refugees as a national priority for the Syrian government which does its best and exerts the efforts, backed by Russia for this purpose

The committees, in a statement at the concluding joint periodic meeting held in Damascus, added that the relentless work by the Syrian State to restore security and stability and reform the infrastructure paved the way for the possibility of activating the efforts to repatriate the displaced to their permanent places of residence

The statement clarified that the West invests huge amounts of money in projects that aim to support terrorists, a thing that actually prevents refugees from returning to homeland

It added that policies of Western countries regarding the crisis in Syria are in the top of hypocrisy in light of the unilateral coercive measures imposed by them and their occupation of the territory of a sovereign state

The two committees warned that the wide circulation of false news about the situation in Syria aims to intimidate the Syrians and force them postpone their return to their homeland

They stressed that by virtue of decrees and resolutions issued by Syria, as government and leadership, and the active work of the joint committees, 2.325.294 Syrian citizens have returned to their homeland, among them 1373592 displaced inside the country and 951702 from abroad

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