People’s Assembly: Syrians have proven capability to go ahead in reconstruction process

Peoples’ Assembly said that the Correctionist Movement, with its great importance and meanings, has given momentum to deeply think in getting solutions to enhance internal resilience in light of the blockade and unilateral coercive economic measures that affected all aspects of life in the country

The Assembly, on the 51st anniversary of the glorious correctionist movement, led by the founding late leader Hafez al-Assad on  November, 16th  1970 , added in a statement that  the resistance approach, reflected by victories of the patriotic Syrian Arab army in its war on terrorism and its operators, has proved to the whole world the determination of the Syrians to complete the process of reconstruction and building a new, modern Syria in light of their unity and support for the army and leadership

It stressed that the continuation of work and following-up the track of the correctionist Movement, under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad, is an urgent national necessity, particularly in the current stage, to promote the process of development and modernization and achieve comprehensive sustainable development in all political, economic, social, scientific and health domains

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