Syrian delegation to UNESCO… cooperation with Russia in fields of education and sciences

The Syrian delegation participating in activities of the 41st round of the General Conference of UNESCO in Paris discussed on Monday with Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, Valery Falkov, means of cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture

During the meeting, head of the delegation, Education Minister, Darem Tabbaa, said it is very important to boost mutual cooperation in the domain of teaching the Russian language, opening the necessary educational centers for it, the artificial intelligence, and protecting the Syrian human cultural heritage, particularly the Syrian sites include in the UNESCO’s World Heritage List

The two sides also held discussions on ways of benefiting from the available expertise in the field of scientific research and development of alternative energies, climate change and environmental protection

In turn, Minister Falkov affirmed Russia’s readiness to provide the possible support to Syria, particularly in the field of health care and providing vaccines to confront the Corona pandemic and ensure the safety of the educational process

Falkov also showed the Russian side willingness to support the national directives on teaching the Russian language in the pre-university and university educational stages, as well as supporting other scientific activities that help reconstruct the country

Later, the Syrian delegation discussed with Assistant Director-General of UNESCO’s education sector, Stefania Giannini, the education process and scientific research situation in the country during the current stage

Minister Tabaa shed light on the importance of concentrating on issues related to training teachers, reconstructing schools and developing technical education

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