Chinese financial grant to support Syrian Trust for Development

The Syrian Trust for Development received a financial grant from the Chinese Embassy in Damascus to support its work and programs, develop its laboratories and beacons’ halls, and enable it from performing its tasks better, particularly in supporting youth and adolescents

Chinese Ambassador in Damascus, Feng Biao, expressed, in a press statement after the delivering the grant at the secretariat’s headquarters in Bab Sharqi neighborhood in Damascus, his country’s keenness to strengthen friendship and cooperation relations with Syria in various fields with the efforts of both peoples and leaderships

Director of the Community Beacons Program in the Syrian Trust for Development in Damascus and its countryside, Tariq Jeroudi, reviewed the work plans of the beacons distributed in different governorates, which amount to 22 beacons and their various services

The Trust said in a statement to SANA reporter that the grant amount is USD 40,000, which will be allocated to develop laboratories and the beacons’ halls of the Syrian Trust for Development to enable it to perform its tasks, particularly in supporting youth and adolescents and providing them with the appropriate skills to enter the labor market.‎

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