President al-Assad receives Russian parliamentary delegation, headed by Sablin

President Bashar al-Assad received on Tuesday a Russian parliamentary delegation headed by Dmitry Sablin, Chairman of the Russian-Syrian Friendship Committee, deputy chairman of the defense committee of Russia’s State Duma

Talks during the meeting dealt with  the importance of strengthening parliamentary relations and the role of parliamentarians in enhancing relations between the two countries in all fields

The two sides underlined that the victories achieved by Syria and Russia over terrorism should be matched by further work in order to boost popular ties and open new prospects of cooperation between the two countries in a way that contributes to achieving the interests of the two friendly peoples

Both sides also discussed joint efforts to establish effective cooperation between the Syrian governorates and the Russian regions, and the work to ink bilateral agreements between the two sides, especially in the economic, social and humanitarian fields, and to expand cooperation between the Syrian and Russian educational institutions

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