On national strike anniversary… citizens of Quneitra, Golan affirm steadfastness till liberation

 On the 40th anniversary of the comprehensive national strike, the citizens of Quneitra and Golan have reiterated adherence to their identity and rights

They stressed that this anniversary endows them with the will and determination to continue their steadfastness and resistance till foiling the Israeli settlement schemes in the occupied Golan and liberating every inch of its territory

The arbitrary Israeli policies since the Syrian Golan was occupied till today, the Zionist ambitions in the occupied Golan and the Israeli Judization project have not been able to separate the occupied Golan from the homeland, Journalist Samir Abu Saleh told SANA reporter

Abu Saleh noted that since the first days, the citizens of the Syrian Golan, in their occupied villages, have faced the occupation and preserved their Syrian Arab identity

In turn, Sheikh Ahmed Suleiman Mraywed, one of Jubata al-Khashab notables, affirmed that the Golan is Arab and Syrian, and the annexation decision is null and void and does not change the Golan’s reality and history, as it is illegal and it violates the international laws

For his part, Issam Shaalan, Golan Mayor, stressed confidence in the inevitability of liberation and his return to his home in Ein Qiniyye village in the occupied Golan

Head of Supporting the Released Prisoners and Detainees Committee in the Israeli Occupation Prisons, liberated captive, Ali al-Younis, underlined the inevitability of the victory of the Arab right over the occupation arrogance, and the liberation of entire Golan and its return to the Syrian national sovereignty

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