Syria exerts great efforts to combat drug trafficking, Khaddour says

Syria’s permanent representative to the UN in Vienna, Ambassador Hasan Khaddour, said that Syria has exerted great efforts to combat any attempt of drug trafficking by armed terrorist organizations, and it has been able to break up many networks and arrest traffickers

“Despite limited capabilities and the lack of the necessary equipment used to detect narcotic substances in light of the blockade imposed on Syria and the unilateral coercive measures, Syria has seized nearly 50 million Captagon pills and thousands of kilograms of cannabis during 2021 and 2020,” Ambassador Khaddour said in a statement to the session of launching the annual report of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) for the year 2021 that was held in Vienna that

The Syrian diplomat added that that the geographic important location of Syria made it “a passage for drug transit and smuggling among countries of origin and destination ones.”

“That problem has escalated during the last years as terrorist organizations, backed by different countries, captured some border areas, and this has created an appropriate environment for transferring and smuggling drugs.”

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