Viewpoints are identical on preserving water rights in Syria and Iraq, Mikdad says

 Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Fayssal Mikdad, discussed with Iraqi Minister of Water Resources, Mahdi Rashid al-Hamdani, bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries, particularly with regard to cooperation in the field of water resources

Minister Mikdad said that viewpoints of Syria and Iraq are identical on the need for preserving rights of the two countries in water, boosting consultation and coordination, and raising their levels according to what the two brotherly peoples aspire to

For his part, the Iraqi minister stressed the importance of enhancing cooperation on water issues between Syria and Iraq and in all fields, thanking Syria for the support it provided to the Iraqi side in the field of enhancing water resources

The Iraqi minister affirmed Iraq’s commitment to its stance in support of Syria against the terrorist war imposed on it and respect for its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity

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