Syria, Iraq to enhance cooperation on water resources

 Prime Minister, Hussein Arnous, met on Thursday Iraqi Minister of Water Resources, Mahdi Rashid Al-Hamdani and an accompanying delegation

The talks dealt with the mechanism of cooperation between the two countries in the domains of water and water resources and the importance of the joint coordination to preserve the water rights of the two countries in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in accordance with international laws and inked agreements in a way that achieves the common interests of the two fraternal peoples in Syria and Iraq and contributes to enhancing water security, particularly in light of climate changes in the region

Arnous stressed the importance of opening wider horizons for cooperation in the commercial and economic fields, simplify road transport and shipping procedures via border outlets, enhance cooperation between economic activities, find joint investment projects, and organize more specialized exhibitions that promote the products of the two countries

For his part, the Iraqi minister noted to the significance of continuing cooperation between Iraq and Syria in different aspects , especially water and water resources domain , guarantee their rights, and to ensure Syria’s participation in the water conference that will be held in Baghdad next month

He said Iraq is ready to overcome any obstacles in order to develop cooperation relations between the two countries in a way that achieves mutual benefit

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