Networks in Turkey provide fake passports for ISIS terrorists, the Guardian reveals

 Networks specializing in fake passports with official visas and travel stamps spread in Turkey and they are offering forged passports and official visas for terrorists from Daesh (ISIS) terrorist organization, the British Guardian newspaper revealed

This has become a booming online industry and it gives opportunity to Daesh terrorists and people with links to it to travel onwards to the UK, EU, Canada and the US, a Guardian investigation has found

One such network, run by an Uzbek with extremist links living in Turkey, is now selling high-quality fake passports for up to $15,000 and to various countries, the Guardian said

The newspaper added that in at least 10 cases the Guardian is aware of, people who illegally crossed the Syrian border into Turkey have used his products to depart through Istanbul airport

It noted that Uzbek’s business is doing so well he recently opened a new channel on the encrypted messaging app Telegram with official-sounding name

The growing trade suggests that dangerous extremists could be slipping under the radar of security services around the world, escaping justice for past crimes and potentially able to continue terrorist activity in countries other than Syria, the newspaper said

Meanwhile, a source in the US Department of the Interior admitted that there is a certain seller in Turkey who provides forged documents to ISIS terrorists, indicating that the United States is aware that ISIS terrorists use these forged passports to cross to Europe and that European security has not succeeded in arresting them

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