Shabaan underlines importance of Syrian -Iranian media partnership

Special Adviser at the Presidency of the Republic, Buthaina Shaaban stressed that the Syrian-Iranian partnership in the goal and destiny also requires a media partnership

Shaaban’s remarks came during a meeting with deputy head for the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Broadcasting World Service, Ahmad Noroozi on Monday

Shaaban noted that the media aspect is essential in the war between the resistance axis and the East on the one hand, and the Western countries on the other, because the media has a complementary role to politics and economy

She added that Iran is facing in a multi-faceted war in its negotiations over the nuclear file, and that media coordination is no less important than coordination in other domains, expressing confidence that Iran will emerge victorious in its negotiations

Shaaban stressed on the need to make adequate plans and exert utmost efforts to defend our rights and causes

She indicated that scientific and methodological planning is needed to arrive at a vision that is financed and implemented on the ground

For his part, Noroozi stressed that Syria enjoys a very special stance in the Iranian media, and Iran was confident that Syria would win the huge war that it was exposed to in the recent years

“The media is part of national security and represents an important pillar of the state, and that the media war we are facing with the Western media empire is a continuous war that will not stop and needs to mobilize all resources and means,” he added

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