Economic Dialogue Forum starts activities in Damascus

 The Economic Dialogue Forum titled “Investment, Banks and Small Enterprises… Economic Recovery Trilogy ” was launched today at the Sheraton Hotel in Damascus with the participation of businessmen and representatives of government bodies concerned with the sectors of industry, trade, agriculture, investment and finance

The participants in the forum will discuss the government’s vision and the viewpoints of businessmen, industrialists, experts and academics regarding aspects of supporting and encouraging investment projects in order to reach correct and constructive outputs, and the viewpoints of the private sector, owners of small projects, institutions and microfinance banks in using financial tools to finance or expand new projects and support their basic services with the aim of linking the ultimate economic recovery trilogy

The forum aims to reach practical and implementable measures to serve industrial and investment projects, provide the necessary financing for them, develop the necessary business environment through legislation, regulations and procedures, and identify current and future investment opportunities in Syria

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