Syria, DPRK discuss ways to develop cultural relations

 Syria and the Democratic Korea discussed ways to activate the mutual translation of printed books in Arabic and Korean languages and to establish periodic cultural activities

With the aim of promoting cultural relations between Syria and the DPRK, a meeting was held on Sunday at the building of the Arab Writers Union in Damascus which participation of Muhammad al-Hourani, head of the Writers Union, and the DPRK Ambassador to Syria, Mun Jong Nam

The two sides referred to the role of intellectuals in presenting proposals in the face of terrorism and foreign aggression

Al-Hourani said that the culture in both countries is the outcome of an ancient civilization that lasts for thousands of years, adding that the resilience of the Syrian and Korean peoples and their defense of their land and their adherence to identity require that these two countries enhance their cultural cooperation to raise it to the level of solid political relations

He hailed the Korean stances and its support for Syria in the war against terrorism and its agents

For his part, Ambassador Jong Nam reiterated his country’s stance in support for Syria in its struggle against terrorism, its adherence to its rights and its resistance to foreign occupation of its land, noting that culture is an essential part in the battle for existence

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