Indian Embassy celebrates 73rd anniversary of the Republic’s Day

Indian Ambassador in Damascus, Mahender Singh Kanyal, described relations between India and Syria as “historical and deeply-rooted” Which are boosted in all political, economic and cultural fields

“We are proud of the friendship and cooperation relations between the two countries, and the coming months will witness greater developments on several domains,” Ambassador Kanyal said in a statement to SANA reporter during a ceremony held by the Indian embassy in Damascus on Wednesday on the73th anniversary of the Republic Day

He added that his country continues to provide humanitarian and technical support to friendly Syria, in addition to pushing economic cooperation forward through businessmen in both countries

The Indian Ambassador pointed out that it is expected to exchange many visits between the two countries during the coming period, in addition to working to increase the number of scholarships for Syrian students offered by India and the Indian Council for Cultural Relations to reach about 400 scholarships, a number of them in information technology fields

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