US occupation continues plundering Syrian oil from al-Jazeera region

Over the past hours, the US occupation forces continued to plunder the Syrian oil as a convoy of tankers laden with stolen Syrian oil headed for northern Iraq

“130 tankers laden with crude oil stolen from the Syrian oilfields by the US occupation troops in cooperation with QSD militia leaved al-Jazeera region heading for the Iraqi village of al-Mahmoudiya, south of the illegitimate al-Waleed crossing,” local sources from al-Yarubiya area, Hasaka countryside, told SANA reporter

The stolen oil was transferred through a corridor opened previously by the US occupation forces towards al-Mahmoudiya village to allow dozens of trucks, carrying smuggled goods affiliated with QSD militia enter the Syrian al-Jazeera region via al-Waleed crossing, the sources added

Hours after the tankers convoy left, a convoy of 46 refrigerated tankers, a truck and a carrier laden with US logistical materials entered Syrian territory via the same crossing, according to the sources

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