Commissioned by President al-Assad, Deir Ezzor Governor offers condolences over the passing of Dr. Hadiya Abba

Commissioned by President Bashar al-Assad, Deir Ezzor Governor, Fadel Najjar offered condolences over the demise of the former Speaker of the People’s Assembly, Dr. Hadiya Abbas, during a funeral at al-Fath Mosque in Deir Ezzor

Deir Ezzor Governor conveyed President al-Assad’s condolence to the family of the deceased.

“The deceased had an honorable record of working in public affairs, being the first woman to hold the position of Speaker of the Assembly,” the Governor said

“Abbas was known during the stages of her job for her patriotism and loyalty to Syria, and she performed her job and fulfilled her duties,” he said

In turn, the deceased family expressed appreciation for the President’s generous gesture which had a great impact on their souls

Dr. Hadiya Abbas, the former Speaker of the Syrian People’s Assembly, died yesterday of a heart attack in the Military Hospital in Deir Ezzor

 She was born in Deir Ezzor province in 1958 and holds a PhD in Agricultural Engineering from Aleppo University

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