“Syrian -Russian Initiative for Peace” opens its office in Tartous

 Tartous Province ,in cooperation with the Russian Coordination Center in Hmemim , inaugurated an office of “Syrian-Russian Initiative for Peace” in Tartous aimed at providing humanitarian and social assistance to the wounded and the families of martyrs from the province

Dr.Salwa Shaaban, a member at the initiative, clarified in a statement after the opening ceremony that this initiative is humanitarian ,social and comprehensive which aims to support the injured and families of the martyrs along with those who are in need, adding that this initiative had various activities in all Syrian areas through its offices in several provinces and that there will be other new offices in other provinces.For his turn, Firass Saad al-Din, representative of the initiative in Tartous, said in a similar statement that educational and medical centers will be established in the upcoming period to provide better services in all domains

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