Syria participates in UNESCO conference in Paris

 Syria participates in activities of the 41st edition of the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO), which started in Paris on November 9th and will last 24th of the same month, along with representatives of 193 member states of the organization

The conference will discuss several issues related to education and sustainable development goals, including the fourth goal of the quality of education, science, artificial intelligence, material and immaterial cultural heritage

Minister of Education, Chairman of the Syrian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science, Darem Tabbaa, said in a speech to the Conference that despite all the difficulties imposed by the war on Syria, education has never stopped in the country , adding that about four million students are currently pursuing their education at 13,500 schools

He clarified that the government is working in cooperation with the civil society to restore schools that were destroyed by terrorism

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