Citizens in occupied Golan renew their rejection to occupation’s settlement plans

Citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan reiterated their rejection of Israeli occupation’s settlement plans on their land, renewing their adherence to each atom of soil and their steadfastness in the face of the occupation’s attempts to forcibly displace them

The citizens in Golan stressed that they will not allow the occupation to seize their land, and that its new settlement plan for establishing 12,000 settlement units on their land with the aim of doubling the number of settlers and changing the demographic situation in the occupied Syrian Golan will fail

Speaking to SANA, several citizens affirmed that the occupation authorities have been trying to expand settlement operations in the occupied lands of the Syrian Golan since the first moment of their occupation.

They stressed that the return of the Golan to the homeland is inevitable and does not prescribe over the years

The Syrian State always confirms that the occupied Golan is an integral part of its territory and that it works to restore it by all available means

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