President al-Assad to President Putin : We hope the New Year would witness more prosperity to relations between Syria and Russia

President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday sent a cable to President Vladimir Putin of Russia, congratulating him on the New Year

President Al-Assad said in the cable ” I offer my warmest heartfelt congratulations to you, wishing the new year would bring progress and success to you and to your people and more prosperity to your country”

“ We also hope that this year would bring more success to the distinguished relations binding Syria and Russia and to the bilateral cooperation that achieves outstanding progress and leaves positive impacts on the lives of the two peoples” President al-Assad added

Earlier, President Putin sent a cable  of congratulation to President al-Assad, which was posted on the official website of the Russian Presidency , in which he expressed hope that the new year would enhance stability and security all over the entire Syrian territories

President Putin stressed Russia’s continued support to Syria in combating the international terrorism and in the field of finding a comprehensive political solution to the crisis in the country and in the reconstruction process

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