Syrian-Iraqi Business Forum starts activities.. more than 50 companies at 1st Export Exhibition

 With the participation of more than 50 industrial companies from Syria and Iraq and a number of businessmen in the two countries, the 1st Export Exhibition organized by the International Group for Businessmen & Women (IGB) was opened on Sunday evening at Damascus Fairgrounds

In statements to media after the opening, Director-General of the International Group for Businessmen & Women (IGB), Dr. Roujeh Obeid has affirmed that the exhibition is the first of its kind in the field of export and aims to open the door for the export of Syrian goods to Iraq and to benefit from the presence of businessmen on the fairgrounds by displaying goods directly to the bodies interested in this issue

Obeid added that during the forum, the law on investment, development, reconstruction, exchange of industries between the two countries, creating strategic partnerships and building factories with joint experiences, will be discussed

He stressed that the Syrian environment encourages investment, especially after Investment Law No. 18 of 2021, have created a suitable ground for local and foreign investors

In turn, Engineer Hamid Awad Mohammad, Director of the Industrial Cities Authority, representative of the Iraqi Minister of Industry and Minerals, noted in a similar statement the Iraqi businessmen high confidence in the Syrian industries especially after the visits paid to the industrial cities and factories in most of the Syrian provinces

He asserted that the exhibition proves that the Syrian industries have a key role in industries and that the Iraqi market needs these industries, expressing hope that during the next stage, there will be more industrial cooperation between the two countries

For his part, Ragheb Blebel, Head of the Iraqi Businessmen Union, highlighted the importance of the exhibition’s role in introducing industrial products, hoping for the return of Syrian industries to their position and role in Arab markets, including the Iraqi market

In conjunction with the opening of the exhibition, the Syrian-Iraqi Business Forum was launched at the Ebla Hotel and the Conferences Palace in Damascus through an economic symposium entitled “Industry and Investment between Syria and Iraq”

The Forum was launched in cooperation with the Federations of Chambers of Industry, Chambers of Commerce in Syria and Iraq, with the participation of the food, textile, chemical, engineering, medical, electrical, financial and shipping sectors

The participants in the economic symposium discussed prospects for joint cooperation, joint investment opportunities available in light of the current circumstances, difficulties that may hinder work, and the most prominent solutions and ideas required in all sectors to support economic cooperation between the two brotherly countries

They also reviewed the reality of economic bodies and institutions in both countries, such as the Iraqi Industrial Cities Authority, the Federation of Iraqi Businessmen, the Syrian Investment Authority, the Chamber of Industry of Damascus and its Countryside, and Investment Law No. 18 of 2021

“We will continue through our projects and our cadres to provide everything that supports work towards a developed Arab economy and for Syria’s return to its previous position, even stronger than it was, and we will work together to make Syria the world’s economic icon,” Secretary-General of the International Group for Businessmen &Women, Dr. Majid al-Raqbi, said in a speech

Omer Khader, Adviser and Head of the Public Relations Department at Erbil Chamber of Industry and Commerce, expressed hope that the forum would come up with tangible outcomes to serve the commercial process between the two brotherly countries

Talal Qal’aji, Vice-Chairman of the Chamber of Industry of Damascus and its Countryside, stressed the need to strengthen cooperation to develop the Syrian and Iraqi industries, which will reflect positively on the interest of the peoples of the two countries

Madian Diyab, Director General of the Syrian Investment Authority, spoke about the new investment law No. 18 of 2021, which aims to create a competitive investment environment to attract capitals, benefit from expertise and various disciplines, expand the production base, increase job opportunities, and raise economic growth rates

Activities of the Forum and exhibition will continue until Dec. 14th and they will include economic dialogue seminars aimed at exchanging experience in the activities of the industrial and commercial sectors of the two countries in order to serve the reconstruction phase and the expansion of partnerships between Syria and neighboring countries

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