President Raisi: Relations with Syria are deeply-rooted and strategic

President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran described as deeply-rooted and strategic the relations between Syria and Iran in all domains, particularly in the economic and trade fields

President Raisi, meeting Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Fayssal Mikdad, said that Tehran is determined to support Syria in the face of coercive, unilateral and illegitimate measures imposed on it

“Syria’s sovereignty, security and role in the region is an important and pivotal issue that acquires the interest and support of Iran, and any presence of illegitimate, foreign bases on Syrian territory is unacceptable,’ President Raisi said

He added that relations between the two states are based on historic factors and common stances, on top, confronting all forms of occupation and terrorism

In turn, Mikdad described the relations between Tehran and Damascus as historical, strategic and important, not only for the interests of the two friendly countries and peoples, but also for ensuring security and stability in the region

Mikdad stressed that thanks to Syria’s resilience and the sacrifices of its people, and the support of allies and friends, on top, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federation and all honorable countries, the plots that targeted Syria militarily failed and did not achieve their goals

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