Efimov: Russia works to disarm Ukraine… Al-Jaafari: We are Russia’s partners in this confrontation with the West

Russia is working to disarm Ukraine and liberate it from Nazism and is not carrying out attacks against civilian sites, Russia’s Ambassador to Syria, Alexander Efimov has stressed

Efimov’s remarks came during a special meeting hosted by the Arab Writers Union on Thursday

The Russian Ambassador said that the neo-Nazis use civilians as human shields and use the same methods that terrorists used in Syria

He added that his country is working to preserve the lives of every Ukrainian, and they do not allow civilians to leave and shoot them if they try

For his part, Dr. Bashar Al-Jaafari, Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, said “There is a huge flow of information, but we lack a lot of political education. The West is lying to us, and we are living a Western political lie, and there is a problem of political education on what is taking place in Ukraine”

“International files overlapped more than before, and Ukraine’s experience demonstrated the fragility of the European security system,” al-Jaafari added

Al-Jaafari considered that the world is wild and politics is an orphan child in this world, and we need to support the Russian position, stressing that Syria the one who most understands the geopolitical risks among a few countries and its pivotal historical role

“The European Union is not European, but rather a subordinate of the NATO, and Russia has discovered today real allies who stand with it. Today we are in one trench and Russia’s partners in this confrontation with the West,” al-Jaafari added

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