A Syrian researcher elected as senior member of IEEE

 Syrian researcher, Dr. Eng. Tarek Nizar al-Skaif, has been elected to the grade of senior member at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which is considered as the largest technical professional association in the world that aims to develop technology and support its innovations

In 2018, al-Skaif, along with a Dutch researcher, created a method that allows the home consumer to participate in energy management to rationalize its use, increase reliance on solar energy, and ease burden on the electrical network

Al-Skaif holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Damascus University, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Computer and Automation Department in 2007 and 2011, and a doctorate from the Technical University of Catalonia in Barcelona in 2016 in computing architectures engineering with a specialization in smart electrical network systems

He worked as a researcher and professor at Utrecht University in Netherlands

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