Mamlouk: Syrian, Iranian cooperation supports regional security

 Chairman of the National Security Bureau, Maj. Gen. Ali Mamlouk, held talks on Sunday with Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran Ali Shamkhani

The talks dealt with the latest developments on the international arena and their repercussions on the region

They two sides discussed cooperation between Syria and Iran in the field of combating terror and confronting the US endeavors aimed at re-manufacturing and reviving terrorist organizations in Syria through training and supporting them with weapons

Mamlouk affirmed that the Syrian-Iranian cooperation in the field of combating terrorism comes in the interest of supporting regional security in the region, calling on all countries to unify their efforts to end extremism

He hailed the Iranian role in supporting Syria against terrorism, stressing the importance of continuing this cooperation

For his part, Shamkhani reiterated that his country continues to support Syria in its war against terrorism, pointing to the US acts to arm, train and direct terrorist groups in Syria, stressing that this destabilizes security in Syria and threatens the regional security

Shamkhani stressed that his country, which stood by the Syrian people and government, still supports Syria, pointing to the deeply-rooted relations between the two countries and the need to adopt appropriate mechanisms to facilitate and speed up the implementation of bilateral agreements in all fields

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