WPC: Unilateral coercive measures imposed on Syria flagrant violation of international law

Executive Secretary of the World Peace Council (WPC) Iraklis Tsavdaridis, strongly condemned the Western unilateral coercive measures imposed on Syria, affirming that they constitute a flagrant violation of international law and the UN Charter

Tsavdaridis renewed, during his meeting with the Syrian ambassador in the Cuban capital, Havana, Dr. Idris Maya, the WPC’s support to Syria, stressing that the Council will spare no effort in unveiling the US and Western imperialist policies, holding them responsible for the damages inflicted upon Syria

He also condemned the repeated Israeli aggressions against Syria, asserting that the Israeli entity has a huge record in violating the Charter of the United Nations and the rules of international law

For his part, the President of the Cuban Institute for Solidarity with the Peoples, ICAP Fernando González, renewed the Institute and all Cuban youth organizations’ support and solidarity with Syria in the face of the terrorist war hatched against it

González indicated that the Institute has organized, during the past years, many events and activities in supporting Syria

For his part, Mia reviewed the role of the American and Turkish occupations in looting and plundering Syria’s resources and wealth and their support for terrorist organizations in it

The Ambassador also stressed Syria’s leadership, army and people determination to defeat terrorism from all the Syrian territories

Dr. Mia expressed his thanks for the stances of the World Peace Council regarding the terrorist war that Syria has been subjected to for nearly 11 years

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