More citizens join settlement process in Deir Ezzor, Raqqa and Aleppo

 Hundreds of wanted civilians joined settlement process in Deir Ezzor, Raqqa and Aleppo, for return to normal life in the areas liberated from terrorism, according to the provisions set by the state to establish safety and stability in those areas and rebuild what terrorism destroyed in them

SANA’s reporter said that the settlement committees continued their work on Saturday in al-A’mel Center in Deir Ezzor, within the framework of the comprehensive settlement for the citizens of the province, which includes wanted civilians, military deserters and those who have evaded the compulsory and reserve military service

The reporter added that dozens of those wishing to settle their status arrived at the center of those whose hands were not stained with the Syrians blood and who are willing to return to the state and restore their normal life

Meanwhile, the settlement process continues in the eastern countryside of Aleppo, according to SANA’s reporter

The reporter said that the settlement committees continue their work amid an increase in the number of wanted civilians who joined them in Deir Hafer and Maskanah centers

A number of those who have their files settled hailed the efforts made by dignitaries, elders and the competent authorities to give opportunity to all those involved in the settlement

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