Tehran calls for supporting territorial integrity of Syria

 Iran’s permanent representative to the UN, Majid Takht Ravanchi, stressed his country’s principled policy in supporting territorial integrity of Syria, saying that the illegitimate presence of foreign forces in Syria found the appropriate conditions for the terrorist activities

“The illegitimate presence of foreign forces in regions of  Syria, which has provided conditions for terrorist activities, must immediately end,” Ravanchi said in a meeting of UN Security Council on Friday

 He added that removing terrorists to other countries endangers regional and international security and peace

Ravanchi also condemned acts of plundering the Syrian natural resources, especially oil and agricultural crops, by those troops, calling for removing the unilateral coercive measures imposed on the country

He stressed that the repeated Israeli attacks on Syria violate the international human rights, calling on the Security Council to hold the Israeli entity accountable for these hostile acts

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