Al-Jaafari: National Committee should support government’s efforts to introduce international humanitarian law

Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Head of the Syrian National Committee for International Humanitarian Law, Bashar al-Jaafari stressed the importance of fully implementing the executive plan for the year 2022 approved by the committee in order to ensure the achievement of the aspired-for results, especially within the framework of the important role entrusted to the committee in supporting the government’s efforts aiming to introduce the international humanitarian law in Syria

Chairing a meeting of the committee held on Tuesday in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the presence of head and representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Syria as an observer, Al-Jaafari stressed the importance of submitting proposals in accordance with the laws and regulations to harmonize national legislation with the relevant conventions ratified by Syria and to highlight the civilized face of it

The executive plan been approved by the committee includes many activities in terms of awareness of the international humanitarian law and circulating it along with preparing the national cadres in this domain and enhancing the attendance on the international level

Participants in the meeting discussed the national committee’s activities carried out in 2021 in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) . There was also an approval on the activities which are going to be carried out during 2022 ,including regulating seminars and workshops on the international humanitarian law for all sectors of the institutions concerned in addition to the Syrian participations in the related international conferences

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