Republic Presidency: Syria ready to build relations with republics of Luhansk and Donetsk

The Presidency of the Syrian Arab Republic said that the media outlets reported that Syria recognized the republics of Lugansk and Donetsk

 The Presidency clarified that during the visit of a Russian parliamentary delegation to Damascus, headed by Dmitry Sablin, Deputy of the Russian State Duma, which included representatives of the Donetsk Republic on December 21, 2021, two months before the recent developments, President Bashar al-Assad expressed Syria’s readiness to recognize the Donetsk Republic, and it was agreed to start building relations with it

 The Presidency stressed that the Syrian Arab Republic’s stance stems from its conviction that the Ukrainian crisis is a problem created by Western countries, led by the United States, to divide peoples and undermine Russian national security, and it stems from its firm principle that confronting Western policies is a common and permanent interest for all peoples who oppose hegemony and these policies must be confronted in all possible ways

 The Presidency concluded by saying that Syria affirms that it is ready to work on building and strengthening relations with the republics of Luhansk and Donetsk within the framework of common interests and mutual respect

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