Temperatures to drop, cold weather prevails

Cold Weather will prevail in Syria as temperatures will drop to become from 4 to 6 degrees due to a shallow low pressure accompanied by cold and wet polar southwestern air currents in the upper parts of atmosphere

The skies will be partly cloudy to rainy in several regions, while snow is expected in the regions with altitude above 1000, especially over the northern, central and al-Jazeera regions, according to the Meteorological Department’s Monday bulletin

At night, the weather will be very chilly, and frost and ice are expected in most regions, while the wind will be westerly to southwesterly with a low to moderate speed, and the sea waves will be low to medium in amplitude

In some major Syrian cities, the expected temperatures will be as follows: Damascus 6/0, Daraa 8/0, Homs 10/2, Hasaka 4/-1, Tartous 12/7, Aleppo 6/0, Deir Ezzor 13/3

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