Grospic condemns Israeli occupation’s settlement schemes in occupied Golan

The Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions has condemned the new settlement schemes of the Israeli occupation entity in the occupied Syrian Golan

Head of the Union Stanislav Grospic, in a statement to SANA correspondent, stressed that the Golan is an inseparable part of Syria, and therefore its occupation and the announcement now of the intention to expand settlements there represents “a new blatant violation of international law,” and a clear example of the imperialist policy towards the Syrian people”

Grospic added that the Israeli entity, in violation of international law, occupied the Golan and issued the ominous annexation decision, even though it is Syrian land. Therefore, the United Nations and most countries of the world considered this annexation a null and illegitimate decision

Grospic noted that the recent announcement made by the prime minister of the Israeli entity regarding the expansion of settlements in the Golan and the continuation of attacks on Syrian lands shows the extent to which Israel continues to ignore international law and that it seeks to increase tension in the region

He stressed that permanent peace cannot be established in the region without returning the occupied Golan to Syria

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