Syrian team wins first place in Taiwan Mental Arithmetic Competition

A team from Qamishli City won first place in the third and fourth levels, respectively, in the Taiwan Mental Arithmetic Competition, which concluded yesterday

The Syrian team participated in the competition through the Zoom program, and the team’s coach, Rawda al-Muktif, won the title of best coach in the competition

The team’s coach, Rawda al-Muktif, said in a statement to SANA reporter, that the participating Syrian team from Qamishli City, which consists of 10 children, won first place in the third and fourth levels in the competition

Child Mohammad Nour Sheikh Zain won first place in the third level, while child Arin Saker won first place in the fourth level

Al-Muktif pointed out that the competition, in which several teams from Japan, the United States, France, Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt participated, is considered one of the strongest international tournaments

It is noteworthy that the team participated in several international competitions, including the Arab Mental Arithmetic Championship, which was held in Algeria, in which it won first place, represented by the Zana Othman

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