Prime Minister opens Douma Telecom Center: important step to offer services to citizens

Prime Minister, Eng. Hussein Arnous, reopened Douma Telecom Center in Damascus countryside on Monday after its restoration and rehabilitation by national cadres, with cost of SYP 2.5 billion

SANA’s reporter stated that the center returned to service using wireless internet technology after its rehabilitation and restoration of the damage it had sustained as a result of terrorist attacks

The center includes three thousand wireless lines with integrated high-speed gates, and four thousand wired lines via optical cables using ONU technology

Arnous said that supplying the center with the up-to-date equipment and returning communications to Douma is an important step to offer services to the locals after long suffering from terrorism

He hailed efforts exerted to restore services to the city and return normal life to it

The inauguration was attended by Minister of Communications and Technology Eng. Iyad al-Khatib

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