Health Ministry receives one million dose of anti-Coronavirus vaccine from China

Health Ministry received on Monday one million dose of anti-Coronavirus vaccine and laboratory requirements supplies to diagnose infections, provided by the People’s Republic of China

“Vaccines and lab supplies will support the health sector to deal with  Corona epidemic… the step is an indication to the Chinese leadership’s interest to enhance and maintain relations with Syria in different aspects,” Health Minister,Hassan al-Ghabash, said in a statement to reporters

In turn, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Damascus, Feng Biao, said  that his country is exerting its utmost efforts to support the global response to combating  coronavirus and to achieve larger  international cooperation in this aspect , particularly with  the emergence of new variants

The Ambassador was regretted that “some western countries don’t support efforts exerted to deliver vaccines to all countries, a thing that caused a gap in the coverage level on the international area.

This is the forth batch of vaccines received by the Ministry from China

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