Rebuilding Syria entails effective role by Syrians abroad, Ambassador Haddad says

Syria’s Ambassador in Moscow, Dr. Riyad Haddad has underline the importance of the role of the Syrians abroad in rebuilding their homeland, indicating that distances do not deter them from assuming their responsibilities towards their homeland, and that is what they have proven throughout the years of war on Syria

That came during the ambassador’s meeting with the Syrian community at the embassy’s headquarters in Moscow

Hadad added that Syria is engaged in the process of reconstruction, which requires a more important and effective role for its citizens abroad who communicate with their families and who are determined to contribute to rebuilding the country, each from his workplace and according to his capabilities

The ambassador condemned the destructive impacts of the American and Turkish policies with regard to the occupation of parts of the Syrian lands and the theft of its natural resources, and the unilateral coercive measures imposed on the Syrian people, who made have sacrificed to preserve Syria’s national sovereignty and combat terrorism and they have rejected interfere in the internal affairs

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