Fires caused by Israeli aggression on Lattakia commercial port extinguished

 Lattakia Governor, Eng. Amer Ismail Hilal, has affirmed that the firefighting teams were able to control the fires that broke out in the container yard in Lattakia commercial port as a result of the Israeli occupation’s aggression on them, and began monitoring and cooling work

Great efforts were made by the teams of the fire brigade and civil defense, with the support of the vehicles of the directorates of agriculture, technical services and hygiene in the city council, Ismail said in a statement to SANA reporter

He added that putting out the fires was accompanied by the work of removing containers from the sources of fire to mitigate the damage and enable the firefighting teams to control the fires

Ismail noted that the teams will remain at the site to monitor the burned sites and continue the cooling work until completing the process of extinguishing the fires

The Israeli occupation entity had carried out a missile attack at about 3:21 am today targeting the container yard in the commercial port in Lattakia, which led to fires in the place, in addition to causing significant material damages

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