Mikdad: Syria fulfilled great achievements in the war against terrorism

Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Fayssal Mikdad, said that Syria has fulfilled large achievements in the war against terrorism and it will continue this war until fully eliminating it

Mikdad told Syrian and al-Ikhbariya TVs in an interview broadcast Monday that Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization still exists in Syria’s north-western part under Turkish support, and Daesh is still there in the north-eastern side under US support

Mikdad went on to say that Syria positively deals with the committee of Discussing the Constitution and its problem is not with the UN Envoy or the organization itself, but with those who sent tens of thousands of terrorists and spent billions of dollars to destroy the country

“When enemies of Syria failed to achieve their targets through terrorism and killing, they resorted to hindering the political solution because they don’t want stability in the country,” Mikdad said

He added that the Turkish regime occupies parts of the Syrian lands, and “we will liberate them, whether Idleb or the northern regions along the Syrian-Turkish borders”

Mikdad added that the US occupation and linked QSD militia still loot Syria’s resources in al-Jazeera, including oil, wheat and cotton, and these resources are the property of Syrian people

“The US has destroyed Raqqa under the pretext of fighting Daesh terrorists and has perpetrated crimes in this province and in Deir Ezzor,” the Minister said

He added that the economic, coercive measures imposed by the US and western countries on the Syrian people are illegitimate and their target is to achieve the agendas of these states

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