Syria, Russia discuss joint work to support return of the displaced

 Syria and Russia on Tuesday discussed means of joint work and the exerted efforts to support the return of the displaced Syrians to their villages and cities, in addition to improving the humanitarian and economic reality in different Syrian provinces

That came during a meeting on Tuesday between Minister of Local Administration and Environment, Hussein Makhlouf and Dmitry Sablin, Russian-Syrian Parliamentary Friendship Committee in the Russian State Duma and the accompanying delegation

Minister Makhlouf affirmed that both sides are working jointly at the Syrian-Russian coordination ministerial bodies for the return of the displaced Syrians, and there is a close cooperation in various domains

He noted that the Syrian state has been working on providing a supportive environment for the return of the displaced and to secure their stability in their cities

Makhlouf also indicated to the general amnesty decrees that have been recently issued and the legislations that help promote the economic, social, living and service reality in the country

In turn, Sablin hailed the efforts made by the Syrian government for providing services, reconstruction processes and establishing health, educational and power facilities

He affirmed that Russia continues to provide humanitarian aid to Syrian citizens in different provinces

The interventions of the members of the Russian delegation focused on the importance of supporting the teaching of the Russian language in Syrian schools and universities and the possibility of achieving trade exchange between the Russian regions and Syrian provinces, in addition to benefiting from the natural resources in each of them

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