Terrorists in Idleb hinder delivering aid, Polyanskiy says

Russian Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Dmitry Polyanskiy reiterated his country’s concern that the terrorists in Idleb continue to hinder the implementation of the UN resolution No.2585 related to delivering the humanitarian aid to the needy, calling for international assurance for the success of this process

 “The delivery of humanitarian aid to Idleb, which is controlled by terrorists, in the absence of its distribution mechanisms, is a source of concern for Russia,” Polyanskiy said in a speech during a meeting of the Security Council on Monday

  He noted that the aid shipment that was delivered from Aleppo to Sarmada in Idleb province last August could not be distributed to the province’s residents until this month

 “Our concerns are related to what is happening directly in Idleb, which has been controlled by terrorists who have subjugated all areas of people’s lives, including their freedom of movement,” Polyanskiy added

He also underlined the urgent need for an international United Nations security in the region, which will help increase confidence in the distribution mechanism

Earlier, during a session of the Security Council, Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh, affirmed that Syria continues to provide the necessary facilitations to the UN and its specialized agencies to implement Resolution No.2585 at a time when the Turkish regime and its terrorist tools in Idleb are hindering it

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