Aoun reiterates condemnation of Israeli enemy’s use of Lebanese airspace to attack Syria

Lebanese President General Michel Aoun reiterated his condemnation of the continued Israeli violations of Lebanon’s sovereignty and the use of Lebanese airspace to launch attacks on Syria

President Aoun’s came during a joint press conference on Sunday with United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres

Aoun stressed Lebanon’s adherence to exercising its sovereignty over its entire territory and its full rights to invest its natural resources

He affirmed Lebanon’s commitment to implementing Resolution No. 1701 in all its aspects, maintaining stability on the southern border, and permanent cooperation between the Lebanese Army and UNIFIL forces

In turn, Guterres, who arrived in Lebanon on Sunday, said: “I told President Aoun that I came with one simple message, which is that the United Nations stands in solidarity with the Lebanese people”

Guterres called on the international community to strengthen support for Lebanon and to continue supporting the Lebanese army and other security institutions in a way that helps stabilize the country

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