Project of rehabilitating engines of al-Assad Irrigation Establishment in Maskana, Aleppo countryside put into service

Prime Minister Hussein Arnous has put the project of rehabilitating of three main engines and an auxiliary one into service in al-Assad Establishment Irrigation Projects in Maskana in Aleppo countryside

In a statement to journalists on Sunday, Arnous said that three engines were put into service in the joint pumping station in the Establishment with a capacity of 7 and a half cubic meters /second for each one

The Premier added that an additional engine with a capacity of 1 and half cubic meters per second to pump water to irrigate an area of 18,000 hectares was put also into service

He hailed the efforts exerted to rehabilitate the station and repair the engines in it with national expertise, including workers and technicians

Minister of Water Resources, Dr. Tammam Raad pointed out that the estimated cost of rehabilitating the pumping station with national expertise  reached SYP 3 billion with the aim of irrigating 18,000 hectares in the project of the Establishment within the plan set to rehabilitate all the irrigation projects and put them into service to support the national economy, in addition to rehabilitating and maintaining the water channels in cooperation with the public sector companies with an estimated cost of one and a half billion in preparation to cultivate the lands with strategic crops like wheat, barley and cotton

Prime Minister Arnous also inaugurated the popular market for vegetables, fruits, foodstuff, households’ items, detergents, dairy and cheese and clothing, with an area of 2500 square meters in Deir Hafer in Aleppo eastern countryside under the supervision of the Syrian Trust for Development with the aim at ensuring job opportunities for the most needed with an estimate cost reached to SYP 1 billion

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