Syrian-Russian talks to boost trade exchange of food products

Syria and Russia discussed means to enhance economic cooperation and trade exchange
A meeting was held Saturday between Minister of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection, Amro Salem , Chairman of Russian-Syrian Business Council Louay Youssef , and Chairman of Russian Komaks Company on Saturday

During the meeting, the two sided discussed the possibility of exchanging some Syrian commodities, such as olive oil and citrus, in turn for Russian commodities such as sunflower oil and other basic materials and establishing a Russian commercial center in one of the Syrian trade halls and a similar center for Syrian products in Russia.
Minister Salem pointed out to the importance of enhancing economic relations up to the level of political relations between the two countries

For his part, Youssef underlined the business council’s readiness to play an active role in providing the Syrian local markets with its needs of products and industries, especially food, at competitive prices, allowing businessmen and owners of economic activities in the two countries to hold meetings and discussing cooperation mechanisms

In turn, thechairman  of the Russian comany  said that the Syrian products enjoy a high quality and need better marketing, considering that the establishment of a Russian trade center in Syria and Syrian similar one in Russia will constitute a starting point for introducing the products of the two countries and giving way to businessmen to secure the goods required by the market in each of them

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