President al-Assad: dialogue among unions and organizations is platform to discuss problems that Arab people suffer from

President Bashar al-Assad received on Friday a delegation of Arab Engineers’ Union, headed by Secretary-General Adel al-Hadithi

President al-Assad stressed the importance of dialogue among Arab organizations and federations as an opportunity to exchange ideas, professional and technical experiences, and a platform to discuss issues and problems that Arab peoples suffer from, and to propose solutions that can contribute to dealing with them

President al-Assad considered that those organizations express the true pulse of Arab peoples and they have an important political and social role in achieving Arab popular cohesion

The President added that the essential point in the work of organizations and unions is through their presentation of unifying economic and technical projects and ideas that form a basis for establishing joint Arab economies to become a strategic vision based on the interests of Arab countries and peoples

In turn, members of the delegation stressed the importance of inter- Arab investments and their great effect in improving the situation of Arab peoples, and the role of the unions in contributing to the achievement of these investments and removing the obstacles that could hinder them, considering that these investments should be directed first towards participating in the reconstruction of what has been destroyed by terrorism in Syria

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